On This Day 80s

Scheduled on

80s Music from 1980 to 1989

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On This Day 80s is the popular all request show that is aired around the world. A two hour show that in the first hour plays one song from each year of the 80s plus special features The B- Side, U.S. Number One and The Movie Soundtrack.

In the second hour a further song from each year of the 80s is played along with special features The Megamix, Escaped The 80s and The Mash Up.

Also during the show there is a lively and very friendly discussion on Twitter that you can join by using the hashtag #OnThisDay80s and on the 247 Music Mix Facebook page there is a thread with lots of people chatting too. Everyone is welcome.

Don’t forget to get your requests in over on the REQUESTS page.

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On This Day 80s crew

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